Marketing Designer

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San Francisco / Remote

6-12 month contracting role with a strong chance of converting to full-time

ā€What we are building

Datafold is a proactive data observability platform that helps Data Teams move faster and with higher confidence by automating data quality analysis, monitoring, and common repetitive tasks in data engineering workflow. Itā€™s a category-defining product in a rapidly growing data domain.

As businesses increasingly rely on Analytics and Machine Learning, Data teams face unprecedented complexity of data and infrastructure. Lack of visibility into data quality and performance of data pipelines causes massive inefficiencies and costly business mistakes. You can read more about our vision and our view of the data ecosystem in our blog.

If you are not very familiar with the data domain, the nature of our product is similar to APM tools such as Prometheus, Datadog, and New Relic: we collect and integrate metadata about our customers' data infrastructure, pipelines and datasets and provide valuable insights.

Headquartered in San Francisco, our product has been rapidly evolving and is used by hundreds of data professionals from companies including Patreon, Thumbtack, Dutchie, Truebill, Faire, and more.


We are a highly technical team with deep expertise in the data domain: our founders built real-time telemetry systems and scaled some of the worldā€™s largest data platforms at Autodesk and Lyft. Our company is backed by top-tier investors including YCombinator & NEA. Datafold is an early-stage startup with a team across multiple continents and time zones. Ā 

Datafold is looking for an experienced and inventive Visual Designer to join our Growth Team. This is a hands-on design role with a ton of opportunity for impact and influence over the visual language we use in talking about the Datafold product. You'll report to the Head of Growth and will collaborate directly with multiple partners across content, product design, copywriting, engineering and production to push our business, brand, and company mission forward.

We're a growing team that builds compelling and informative visual narratives for marketing campaigns, web pages, and in-product communications. We work across deliverables, including the Datafold website, conference collaterals, paid ads, blogs, social media, videos, animation, slides, merchandising, and print.

You're conceptual, strategic, kind, can share and sell your ideas, and encourage others to share theirs. You've adjusted your design process to flourish in a primarily remote work environment. You're a graphics generalist that knows what it takes to develop high-quality creative, how to rally people around your ideas, what your strengths are and when to bring in specialists to help. You take ownership of projects from concept through execution, QA, and iteration.

What youā€™ll do

  • Support all marketing design efforts ranging from website redesign, landing pages creation, create visual elements for social media posts, blogs, newsletters, and etc.
  • Work with our product designer to ensure the consistent look and feel of our websites and in-product experience. Ā 
  • You take ownership of projects from concept through execution, QA, and iteration.
  • Propose creative concepts based on product communication needs and customer insights, and support those ideas through hands-on, detailed design and production.
  • Help shape brand standards and design systems. We're a small team with a massive reach. You'll identify opportunities to simplify our way of working and unify our look-and-feel at scale.

What you bring

  • The Growth Team is all based in Pacific Times, so being able to work with Pacific Times is strongly preferred for easy collaborations and fast execution.
  • 3+ years of design experience working as a designer supporting marketing projects team
  • Well-honed eye for typography, color, composition, and motion
  • A power user of Figma, Webflow, and other design and web development tools. Youā€™ll be the primary maintainer of our Webflow website.
  • Working knowledge of After Effects, C4D, or other motion design tools
  • Experience building and modifying websites via CMS, markdown, or directly writing code

Why Datafold

  • Strong product loved by top-tier unicorn customers & backed by all-star investors
  • Full responsibility from day one and being part of our hierarchy-free and results-driven culture
  • Opportunity to define & build a brand from scratch and grow it
  • Able to contribute to high visibility projects and have your work be seen by the top investor community.

Interviewing process

Please include your design portfolio along with your resume for the application. The interview process consists of a few rounds of interviews with the team members and weā€™ll extend the offer.

Get Started

To get Datafold to integrate seamlessly with your data stack we need to have a quick onboarding call to get everything configured properly

Want to see Datafold in action?

Find out how Datafold can help your team deliver better data products, faster.