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May 17, 2023

Datafold is now available on the AWS Marketplace.

Datafold is now available on the AWS Marketplace. Leverage AWS Marketplace benefits to unlock the leading automated data testing tool.

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Richie Corcoran

Datafold is excited to announce that we are now available on the AWS Marketplace. This allows data teams looking to automate testing of their dbt code to purchase Datafold using their pre-committed AWS spend making the best data quality tooling more accessible.

Data teams are often in a tough spot when it comes to purchasing the infrastructure and tools they need to power the business with data effectively. When dealing with hyperscalers such as AWS, companies commit to a long-term partnership that will enable their business to adapt, adopt and thrive. When committing and investing in AWS, companies gain the ability to purchase third-party software via the AWS Marketplace that qualifies against the Enterprise Discount Program (EDP) commitment. 

For companies evaluating data tools, who may be restrained by budget restrictions, utilizing pre-committed cloud spend can provide a solution. Datafold is now one such tool that can be procured using an existing AWS EDP Commitment, requiring little to no additional budget or approval process. 

To find out more, visit or get in touch with our team.